ヒューストン市、ハリス郡も自宅待機令(STAY HOME WORK SAFE)が出されました
2020年 03月 27日
STAY HOME(自宅待機令)が4/3の23:59 までヒューストン、ハリスカウンティ―、などヒューストン近郊の郡も市も含めて発令されています。
ただし、これにはESSENTIAL BUSINESSという欄に含まれる生活に必要なビジネスは例外とされています。
ハリスカウンティ―には下の英語のリストようなビジネスがESSENTIAL BUSINESSとして仕事を行っても良いのですが(ただし勿論6フィートの距離を置く事が原則)主に以下のようなビジネスは営業可能です。(詳しい事はHARRIS COUNTYのサイトを)
- Critical Infrastructure as identified by the US Department of Homeland Security National Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency
- Essential Government Functions including law enforcement, and other services for the health, safety and welfare of the public
- Essential Healthcare Operations including hospitals, dentists, pharmacies, pharmaceutical and biotechnology companies, mental health providers, blood banks, home and residential based care for seniors, adults and children, veterinary and animal welfare operations
- Essential Retail including grocery stores, warehouse stores, gas stations, convenience stores, food producers and service providers
- Providers of Basic Necessities to Economically Disadvantaged Populations
- Essential Services Necessary to Maintain Essential Operations of Residences or Other Essential Businesses including: trash and recycling collection, mail and shipping services, building maintenance and security, and funeral homes
- News Media
- Childcare and Adult Care Services
- Infrastructure, Development, Operation and Construction Services including public works construction, housing construction, commercial, manufacturing, oil refining, roads and highways, public transportation, and telecommunications systems
- Transportation Businesses including car dealerships, parts distributors, maintenance and repair facilities, gas stations, vehicles for hire
- Labor Union Functions
- NASA and Port of Houston
- Airports and related operations
- Professional services including legal, accounting, insurance, and real estate services.
- Other businesses that are not listed but either are or support critical industries or services.
by houstonrealtor
| 2020-03-27 03:32
| コロナウイルス関連